Saturday, August 30, 2008

Boys Update

Well, it has officially been 2 weeks since we've said "good-bye" to the Nuk and we are still feeling the effects. Chase isn't sleeping that well and bedtime is an official nightmare. Chase refuses to stay in his bed and we're back and forth for at least an hour each night trying to get him to stay in his bed and go to sleep. I keep telling myself that this is a phase and it will pass, I know it will, but my patience are starting to wear very thin.

Luke has been causing us some major stress as well. He has decided that he is not a fan of the bottle and is going on a hunger strike while he is at daycare. Some days he'll take 3 ounces the entire time he is at the sitter, other times he'll take nothing. Most babies his age should be drinking about 6 ounces at each feeding. When we get home, he wants to have a nursing marathon which doesn't work well when it is time to make dinner. He still isn't napping on any schedule what so ever but my first priority now is to get him to eat. I'm so anxious that he is getting dehydrated. So, needless to say, there is never a dull moment!

I'm adjusting to going back to work. It is strange starting my day at noon but I think the more of a routine that we get in, the more I'm going to love it. 4th grade is going well, my class is quite chatty but I think will end up being a good group of kids. I'm looking forward to this long weekend, hopefully I'll have new pictures to post soon!

1 comment:

Amy said...

glad to hear a little update... sorry to hear the nuk removal isn't going well... ugh. i know how it goes. charlie decided this weekend he wasn't going to jump out of his crib so it's been okay, but we have a new twin bed for him ready to go when he decides that he's going to start jumping again! can't wait to catch up sometime....