Sunday, November 16, 2008


Well, I'm happy/relieved to say that things here are starting to make a turn for the better. We took Luke in for his weight check to make sure that he was gaining weight and he gained almost a pound in 6 weeks (He's 16 lb 9oz now). The doctor said that was good and he his now maintaining his weight rather than losing. She also said not to worry too much that he still isn't eating any solids. Since he is reaching all of his physical milestones she doesn't feel that he needs any sort of therapy, she just thinks he may be stubborn and when he's ready, he'll come around. We also discussed his sleeping and she said that we needed to cut out his 2 am feeding. After one really bad night of crying, he has pretty much turned around. He will now only wake up once/night (I hope that I'm not jinxing myself by putting this down in writing!)

Our bedtime disaster with Chase has also calmed down. After talking to the nurse at the pediatrician, she basically said that we had to take away things he would want if he got out of bed and give him something he would really want if he stayed in. So, we made the deal that if he was a good boy and stayed in bed without crying, he would get a candy in the morning. Well, after 2 nights, he realized that candy was definitely the way to go and our bedtime at home has become so much less stressful! He does remind us at 6 am that he needs to "get a candy" but we're hoping to phase that out and replace it with something else as soon as the Halloween candy is gone. He actually said to me this morning, "My candy is almost gone, we better go trick or treating again." I laughed outloud.

Daddy and Chase "cheersing" their Kit Kat at 5:30 am

Blake got his results back from his content area test of history to go back to school and become a teacher and he passed! He was absolutely shocked, I wasn't. I'm so proud of him for going back and doing something that he truly wants to do. I think he will develop such a passion for working with kids that he'll wonder why he ever wanted to do anything else.

Now, if we could just sell our house, things would be great!

The Big Lawnmower

A big boy ride on the lawnmower
So excited!
Last weekend we decided that we should mow the lawn one more time. We had the riding lawnmower at our house from the rental property so Blake took Chase on a ride. He absolutely loved it. He did the entire yard with Blake even though it was pretty cold outside. I just love his smile, you can tell that he really thinks that he is hot stuff!

The Twins Turn 4!

Do I dare go down this thing?
No turning back now!
Look at that tongue!
Ah, I'm so proud he's raising his hand!

On November 9th, our twin niece and nephew turned 4. I can't believe that they are getting so big so fast. I also can't believe that I don't have pictures of them from their birthday party, what a terrible aunt!
The kids had a great time at Pump It Up aka the jumping place. It is so much fun to see Chase grow into the little boy who doesn't need his mommy all of the time anymore. What a relief! It's amazing how kids just learn to follow directions and cues from their peers without being told. It makes me feel more confident about Chase going to preschool!
After the party we went back to Aunt Dana's for gift opening, it was a long fun-filled day.

Halloween 2008

Yum, look at this candy!
The kids after collecting all of their treats!
Luke was tired, can you see his owie on his face?
The gorilla surveying the next house
Luke, Chase and Reese
Halloween was a long but exciting day! It started out at school, visiting my students with the boys and Daddy. My job share partner Kim, her husband Josh, and their daughter Reese were also there. Our students definitely got a kick out of having the kids there, they were very good with them.
That night we went trick or treating with our friends Sara, Keith and Paige. The kids were really excited about the actual going door to door as well as answering the door. Of course we had to dump out the candy and do some taste testing when we got home. I don't think Chase has ever had so much sugar in one day.
It was so much fun experiencing Halloween through the kids eyes. Blake and I were thinking back to our Halloweens as kids and how awesome it was. We're hoping that we can make those great memories for the boys as well!