Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rainy Summer

Halloween in June?

Our fort

Since we've had a very wet yard this summer, we've had to make do with playing inside. We've played dress up, made forts, built race tracks and train tracks, made cupcakes, watched movies (I'm close to being able to recite Alvin and the Chipmunks) and had a lot of fun. I'm loving staying home for the summer!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer Strep Throat

Last night I took the boys to Blake's softball game because we haven't been out to any games this year and other friends were going and bringing their kids too. Before we left, Chase was acting odd, telling me that he was cold but he had no fever so we went. We ended up leaving early, and by the time we got home, Chase had a temp of 101. Today he was still lethargic and hot so I took him into the doctor, and he has strep again. I have no idea where he got it and I'm really hoping that no one else gets it. We had fun plans with my sister that we had to cancel on but we've got a long summer ahead of us so hopefully it's quick healing and a fun weekend!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Calvacade of Planes

Blake & Luke

Chase as the "pilot"

Luke as the "pilot"

Hugging McGruff

Posing with Snoopy
This afternoon we headed over to the Bolingbrook Clow Airport with our friends Kim and Josh to watch some of the airplanes and skydivers. They have this event annually but this was our first time going. There were vendors, food and live entertainment with the airplanes and helicopters taking off and landing continuously. The boys were well behaved and we had a great afternoon!

Our First Garden

The first strawberry of the season!

This year we finally decided to plant the garden thtat we always talk about but never do. Blake planted the plants early and had to cover them up a lot when there were frost warnings earlier in the season but it looks like the hard work is going to pay off. The garden is actually Blake's baby, he's done the building of the garden, all of the planting and the daily watering.
We have some pots of oregano, cilantro, basil and chives as well. We're hoping for some great tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, green beans, blueberries, strawberries and delicious raspberries from our bush. Chase has been interested in the garden from day 1 but doesn't really get where the vegetables are. He keeps asking when they'll be here. Hopefull soon!

Summer Fun

Here are some random summer fun pictures already! We're enjoying the backyard a lot!

Playing baseball with Dad

Lunch outside


I love this one!

First Rain, Then Play, Finally Mud

This is what our back yard looked like when I woke up the morning before our playdate. I couldn't believe that there could be that much standing water in our backyard. To think that we when we were considering buying the house, the previous owner stated that there was never any water in the back. Yeah right.

We ended up having some friends over the following day and it was such a nice time. My girlfriends Maria, Natalie and Andria came over with their kids and we ate, talked, and played. This is exactly what I dreamed of when I thought of summer on those long days at school, meaningful time with friends and all of our kids playing nicely together. It was great.

Luke, Breena, Chase (top) & Mary, Charlie, CeCe (bottom)
Teagan had already headed home for the day so she's not in the group shot :(

Charlie and Chase playing baseball

Eating lunch and playing
I initially mentioned the rain from the previous day because it ended up coming into play. The kids ended up doing some "digging" in the mud and were filthy. When everyone left, I literally carried the boys upstairs and placed them into the tub...they loved it!
Check out his legs

He literally had mud in his eye!

Christy & Jon's Wedding

Us in the hotel lobby before the ceremony
Andria, Christie, Me and Natalie

The girls hanging out at the reception

Christy and Jon relaxing after the ceremony

Over Memorial Day weekend we headed to Columbus, Ohio for our friend Christy's wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony at a conservatory and the reception afterwards was great. We really enjoyed having some time to talk on the drive there and back without being interrupted by the boys. It was great to reconnect with some friends that unfortunately we don't see often enough. I'm so grateful that we were able to be part of Christy's special day!

3's Preschool Graduation

Receiving his certificate before sliding down the "graduation" slide

Mrs. Cecola, Chase and Ms. Janet
I can't believe that Chase has his first year of preschool under his belt. At the beginning of the year he would constantly say that he didn't want to go, that it wasn't fun. Once the year got underway though, he loved the projects that he did, field trips they went on, and especially the days when he was "snack helper". When Blake and I went into his classroom to help throughout the year, his teachers complimented Chase on his sweet nature and manners. I think he is a great listener at school and is a pretty good rule follower which of course makes me thrilled and proud. Luke on the other had, will be a different story! We're so proud of all of the things he's learned and his good social skills with the other kids. We are hoping that he will have the same teachers next year in 4s!

School's Out For Summer...

Enjoying the pool

Napping after playing in the pool

So we've jumped into summer with both feet! It is so nice to be out of school and I'm ready to have a ton of fun with the boys. When I told Chase that I was finally done with school and that summer had begun, he said, "So, can we go to the zoo, the beach, and the park today?" I had told him that we could do anything once summer was here so he truly wanted to get started!

I am taking a class the second week of June but after that, our days should be filled with things like gymnastics classes, a soccer camp, and lots of outside summer fun together. Although I always have a difficult time with the adjustment going from all work to no work, it has been a smoother transition into summer than I had last year, hooray!

"New" Fun Summer Stuff

Driving in the new Jeep!

The 2 roadsters

Our new swing set!

Shouting from their club house
So we've been lucky enough to aquire 2 "new" items for the kids. The Jeep was at a garage sale that Blake went by and he picked it up for $50. At first I thought that was insane but they typically go for about $300 when they're new and the boys love it so, it was a great buy.
The new swing set was another lucky gift. Someone that Blake used to coach football with was looking for someone to take his swing set. Both of his children are older now and don't use it. It was quite an operation to move it from their yard across town but with the help of some good friends, we got it done. We ended up having to move it from one spot in our yard to another (long story) but it is now in its final place. The kids are absolutely loving the swinging and I think that my arms will be really buff by the end of summer from all of the pushing! There is a sandbox underneath the "club house" so it is truly a wonderful set that the boys will play on for years to come. We're so grateful to be able to have this for the boys at no cost to us!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Rosenberg Dance Party

One of the best things to do at our house is turn on the radio and dance. We do it often because it's fun for us and the kids. The boys love the Black Eyed Peas, specifically Boom, Boom Pow and Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night.

Visit to Michigan

Over spring break we went to Michigan to see my dad. It was a good visit, I think it lifted his spirits to have us there and we were able to see that he really is doing well adjusting to life after his stroke. It was so beautiful while we were there so we went outside and hit a few golf balls. It was great for everyone. My dad hadn't done that since the day of his stroke, it had to be a little scary for him but in the end, I think it got him excited for the prospect of golfing again.