Thursday, January 1, 2009

Potty Training 101

Admiring the potty chart, naked of course
A completed potty chart, what an accomplishment!

So I decided the day after Christmas was going to be day 1 of potty training. We started with the big boy underpants on but soon moved to the naked version which proved to be a lot more successful. It is currently been 6 days and we've only had a handful of accidents. I'm so proud of Chase for being so excited to be a big boy like all of his friends and cousins. I'm hoping that we have continued success once we head back to the sitter on Monday when it is back to the reality of work! Our only problem now is that he wants to wear his Spiderman underpants everyday which is impossible because we only have 1 pair!

1 comment:

Our family said...

Yay Chase!!! Isn't it so nice to not use so many diapers? We have the same problem but with Diego underwear! LOL!!