Saturday, November 13, 2010

Halloween Mania

Our festive treats at our Halloween party with the neighbors on Halloween Eve. We had a great time with them, as always!

By the end of the night there were a lot of Superheroes wrestling

All 5 boys posing for a shot, notice that most of them are wearing a different costume in the next picture! Who said that boys don't dress up!

Downtown Naperville at the Halloween Happening on Halloween, we didn't stay too long because
it was super crowded but the boys enjoyed it while it lasted.

Running to the next store!

Halloween night, trick or treating with our cousins, our neighbors and the Chrustowski's,
it was cold but the kids didn't care. They were just excited about all of the candy!

Ryan was great riding in the wagon, he is so easy going.

Luke on the other hand, was in a mood, this picture captures it perfectly :)

The scary Draculas!

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