Monday, January 18, 2010

Play Group Christmas Party

Enjoying all of the different toys!

Aunt Katie smelling Luke's P U stinky feet!

Most of the kids posing!
This year we had our annual Christmas party with my play group at Ronette's house. She had just finished her basement so there was both plenty of room and toys for everyone! My sister came with us and she just soaked up all of the kids...she was holding a baby almost the entire time! It is amazing how our group has grown. It began with 12 girls getting together with their newborn babies being the only thing we had in common. Our group has now grown considerably, many people with two children and some with 3! We have continued to make an effort to stay a part of each others lives. I'm so grateful for the friends that I've made and the talks that we have. All of our "newborns" will be heading into their 4th year of life this spring and I can't wait to share many other special moments with the girls and all of our children!

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