Monday, January 3, 2011

My Big Boy

Proud of his potty chart!
Posing in his "big boy bed"

The end of 2010 brought a lot of changes in Luke's life! He transitioned to a big boy bed at the beginning of December when one morning he was in his crib and the next he was standing next to me in the kitchen! The first night was definitely a lot of testing so the 2nd night we laid down the law worked!! Being so strong willed I thought this was going to be a really tough transition but he's done great and we've had no problems since night #1, hooray!
The day after Christmas we started on the second step to big boyhood and began potty training. I think he was ready because he has done great since we've started. It has been 1 week and I feel confident that we can go out to public places and not be panicking that he'll have an accident. He tells me when he has to go and we've had very few accidents, yay for Luke, I'm so proud of him!

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