What a smile!!
I took Luke to the doctor today for his cold/cough. They said that he looks great and there is nothing to worry about. It makes me feel better but when he is up in the middle of the night with that cough that seems never ending, the "nothing wrong" comment doesn't do too much for me. I'm hoping he can get over this soon so that we can start trying to get him to sleep longer at night. I'm exhausted which is nothing new but at this point I was hoping for a little more routine with the night than we've been getting.
We're going to attempt to go to Blake's game tonight. It is right at Luke's bedtime so we'll see how that turns out. I know that Chase loves going so I really want to make the effort despite my stress and anxiety about bedtime when we get home!
I had an end of the year party for school and Chase helped me decorate the cupcakes. He absolutely loved eating them, so fun!
I like the new look! And Luke is starting to look like a little boy instead of a baby! Great shot of his smile!! :)
See you soon- Amy
I love the smile on Luke's face! It feels like its been forever since we all met with the kids:(
Hola Rosenbergs! Como Estas! I have been checkin in on you guys from time to time with your bloggin dealyo. Luke is fr@#kin HUGE! Family website, so even fake swearing has to be sensored. It is good to see that everyone is doing well. Except that you're chronically exhausted Jess, but you make it look muy facil. Blake i'll see you in a few weeks for the INSANE DYLLAPOLOOZA BACHELOR PARTY EXTRAVAGANZA!!!!!!!!
........in michigan....on a pond.
Peace Out.
P.S. Yo tengo un gato en mis pantalones
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