On Mother's Day this year I accomplished one of my life goals, to run a 5K. I'm not a big athlete, mainly because I'm clumsy and enjoy watching sports more than I do playing them. However, I read about this race in the newspaper and it was right up my alley. It was for runners of any ability but catered to beginners. The race was called "Run Like A Mother" and was for women only that didn't have much time for themselves so when they ran, they had to run like a mother so they could get onto something else! There was a Sunday night training for 6 weeks to get you ready so I signed up with my friends Kristy & Amy.
I asked Chase if he wanted to race too because there was a kids 1 mile fun run. I told him that we could train together, although we never actually ran more than a block or 2 together. I usually "trained" with my friend and neighbor, Kristy. My goal was to run the entire thing, which was big because I never ran the entire distance of the race prior to that morning.
Chase's race was first and I had told him that he didn't have to run the whole time and he would stay on the track so he would be able to see us. Little did I know that the kids route left the safety of Neuqua Valley's track! Needless to say, he followed the rest of the kids and made it back in 9:40!! I was so impressed with his mile time! Watching him race made us SO PROUD of him. He told me he "walked a little" but I thought for a 5 year old that has never ran before, he did fantastic. He was so excited and can't wait to do it again.
My enthusiasm for my race was big after watching Chase. The day was gorgeous and the women all around me running gave me motivation and I actually had fun running! I reached my goal and didn't walk, it felt great to accomplish something all by myself and for myself. For most people a 5K run isn't a big deal but to me it was, so I'm motivated to try again sometime! I think this will be a Mother's Day tradition in my house.