Monday, February 21, 2011

Chicago Wolves Game

Loving every minute of the game!

Hiding out in the bathroom where things were a little quieter. Luke had
this pose a lot throughout the game!

I know this is a blurry pic, but I couldn't resist this picture of Ryan, our 2 year old neighbor,
as you can see, he wasn't a big fan of the fireworks or the game either!


Cheering on the Wolves

A few weekends ago we went with our neighbors to our first family sporting event where you are actually supposed to stay in your seat the whole time. Chase had a fantastic time, he was shouting and cheering on the Wolves, he couldn't get enough, Blake was so proud! Luke on the other hand was ready to leave before the game even began. The Allstate Arena and fireworks make for a VERY loud beginning to the game. Luke was entertained by looking around for Skates, food and some books we brought along. Somehow, we made it through the entire 3 periods and a good time was had a by all!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Starting the driveway

Big drifts in our backyard, Chase thought it was cool
that his swing was buried

Inside fun

The Browns little baby Brady

Ending the night with a movie
Blizzard 2011 ended up being a great 2 days for us!! I felt like it was Christmas morning with the excitement that the huge amount of snow brought. The boys were so anxious to get outside but we were trying to wait for Blake to come in from snow blowing. He ended up clearing a lot of neighbors driveways & sidewalks so we was out for several hours. When we finally did get out, Luke was finished after about 10 minutes! I couldn't believe how deep the drifts were. Blake and Chase ended up going sledding with our neighbors and we had a great lunch at the Geers and dinner at the Browns! Although the snow was a lot of work to clean up, I'm so glad that we got to experience a huge snowfall like this! Plus 2 days off of school mid-week didn't hurt either!

Sled Dogs at the Arboretum

On Sunday we headed out to the Morton Arboretum to see the program that they had with sled dogs. It was cold so Luke didn't want to stay out for long but Chase had a great time petting the dogs and then actually seeing a race demonstration. Chase couldn't believe that we had been dog sledding before when we were in Alaska, it was great for him to experience something different!