Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Luke's 15 Month Check Up

We had Luke's 15 month check up today. He weighed exactly 20 pounds-2%tile (we can officially turn the car seat around) and he was 31 inches long (43%tile). The good news is that he has maintained his weight, not dropping in his %tiles and he looks healthy otherwise. She said that developmentally he's right on track, saying the correct number of words and officially walking unprompted now. The bad/scary news is that he has a heart murmur. I was completely surprised when she told us this because we've never heard that before. She called it an "innocent" murmur, one that we shouldn't be worried about. We have an appointment in July with a pediatric cardiologist to see what they think. Although I know that it is probably nothing, I can't help but worry... This little boy has definitely caused us some major concerns!

We finally have a speech therapist coming from the Early Intervention program tomorrow. We've been waiting for an in home therapist since January. I'm hoping that she will have some ideas for us. He is putting almost everything to his mouth now, licking and tasting but never swallowing. The only things he eats are ranch dressing (off of a carrot) and processed cheese (from the cheese and crackers package). We can get Luke to eat a few spoonfuls of yogurt and some fruit baby food but that is it. I don't know what we would do without the Pediasure for him to get his nutrition from! Now if we could get him to drink that out of a sippy cup...

Philips Park Zoo

Cole, Chase, Ava & Tricia looking to the Bald Eagles
The boys watching the crocodiles
Our play group went to Philips Park Zoo today. It was nice and cool outside so we didn't have to worry about sweating to death like last week. The kids loved looking at the animals, especially the lion that they have there. Right now Luke is really into making the lion sound. Chase will say, "Lukey, what does a lion say?" Luke will immediately respond with a RAOW! and then both boys will laugh. It brings a smile to my face every time!


Chicago made out of Legos
Aunt Katie and Chase riding on the Lego rideChase and SantaInside the lion's mouthHanging out with the Prez!
Saying good-bye to the Lego man!

Last week my sister Katie and step mom Barb came in for a few visits with us. We had them over for pizza and we headed out to Legoland another day. Chase had so much fun looking at all of the Legos, building all sorts of designs, and watching the Bob the Builder 4D movie. It even rained and snowed on you in the theatre! We all had a great time and a delicious lunch afterward.
We also had a great visit to Joyce's pool, Barb's sister, on Saturday. We just lounged around and had such a great time. Chase loved jumping into the pool and pretending to swim. What a fun visit!

Morton Arboretum

Playing with the water ball
Wading in the stream
Luke playing in the water
Last Tuesday our play group went to the Arboretum. It was VERY hot out so we spent most of our time playing in both the stream and little frog pond. The boys had so much fun and once again, I enjoyed talking with my friends about our kids.

Father's Day 2009

Luke and Papa blowing on the hot coffee
3 cute cousinsFiguring out the fishing poleWatching his bobber intently!
Blake and his boys

Father's Day this year was really nice. Everyone came over to our house and we just grilled out. Keith, Blake's cousin, is a good fisherman so he took all of the kids, including Blake, to the pond by our house to see if they could catch anything. Although the kids weren't successful, Keith was. He caught several fish and had the kids throw them back into the pond. Chase was very brave and was delighted to hold the fish and throw it back in. I can't wait to go fishing in Michigan with my dad. Chase will be so excited!

Canadian Visitors

All of us hanging out in the backyard
Chase & Logan

Payton enjoying her Rice KrispieSprinkler Fun
Eating dinner
Father's Day weekend our good friends Kris and Liz came down from Canada for a visit. We had a great time with their girls as well as our other friends Beth, Eric and their 2 kids. It was a super hot afternoon so the kids had a blast in the sprinkler we enjoyed great adult company. We sure miss them being around to hang out with all of the time.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fun at the Zoo?

Luke & Paige
Loving the carousel

All of us on the ride!
Luke thought it was so funny!

Chase & Paige

Yesterday we headed out to the zoo even though it was raining, we were determined to get out and have fun with our play group friends. I think the rained helped to keep people away and we ended up having a really nice time. It was good to see MY play group friends too, what wonderful friendships I've made with these girls. We all have something we love in common too, our kids!
We decided to head out at about 1:30, perfect timing for both boys to fall asleep on the way home and I could have a nice, peaceful drive. Well, that didn't happen. There was an overturned semi on the highway and it ended up that we didn't get home until after 4:30. It was a long drive filled with lots of singing, entertaining, and an emergency potty break at McDonalds, I couldn't believe that he made it!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Backyard Fun

In the swingset "tower", doesn't Luke look HOT!
Playing in the sandbox
Digging in the mulch
Watching the workers put in sod, so exciting!

This afternoon we had lunch on the patio which is very exciting to 2 little boys. Afterward we played hard outside. Both boys are napping now, hooray! What a great day.

Library Excersion

Finally home!
2 tired boys

This morning we decided to take a trip to the library because Blake and I simply cannot read another round of Curious George Gets a Job! Since the boys have been loving the bike recently I decided we could bike there. The trip there was good, we checked out some new George books and even got a chance to have library story time with the librarian. We had snack out by the water fountain and things looked promising for the ride home but...it wasn't that great. Luke's teeth are really bothering him, he's got at least 4 popping through right now and they look pretty bad. Needless to say, he continued to look for a teether on the ride home and Chase was it. After several stops to refocus both of them, Luke finally fell asleep, what a cutie!

Grandma & Grandpa's House

Watering the flowers
Filling the bird bath with Grandpa Reading Grandma & Luke
On Sunday the boys and I headed over to my parents for breakfast. Blake was golfing with some buddies so it was perfect for us to go! After breakfast we ended up outside and playing in water...how does that always end up happening? A good time was had by all!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

School's Out For Summer...

Hanging out with the boys
A rare picture of just the two of us
Building at the DuPage Children's MuseumLunch with our play group friends
What beautiful music!Luke & Paige (with Ava in the background!)
Payton, Paige, Ava & ChaseNolan & Luke splashing at the water tableSo serious when "working" with the water!
Feverishly building
Luke got in on the action too!
So yesterday was my "official" first day of summer and it was awesome! We were originally planning on spending the day at the Arboretum but it started to rain so we decided to head to the DuPage Children's Museum. My play group friends and I have set aside Tuesdays this summer to get together so hopefully we'll have many fun outings!
Chase loved the museum and I was surprised how much Luke was into things as well. Of course the biggest hit was the water table, nothing better than a bath with clothes on. Although there were little smocks to attempt to keep the kids dry, they were soaked by the time we left the table. There are so many different areas to see and explore we probably only got through about 1/2 of the things before nap time was calling. We ended up buying a membership and I'm looking forward to going with Blake because I think he'll love it too.
We had a great family bike ride (which is becoming kind of a routine that all 4 of us are loving), grilled out and enjoyed the evening. If summer turns out to be anything like yesterday, it's going to be such fun. Today however, it was back to reality with finishing up a few things at school with the boys, doing 5 loads of laundry, and playing referee over a plastic hammer...life as usual!