Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Luke Update

We took Luke for a weight check on Tuesday. Our doctor wanted us to have a half way check-in between his 12 and 15 month appointments. On April 2nd he weighed 18 lbs. 9 oz, and at our visit on May 12th he weighed 19 lbs. 2 oz. The pediatrician said that his little growth keeps him exactly where he was before, the 2nd %-tile. The weight gain is a good sign because he is at least maintaining his weight instead of staying the same or losing. We're supposed to continue with his speech services to hopefully slowly overcome this sensory feeding issue.
On a positive note, Luke is doing well with his physical therapy. He took his first independent step, 7 of them actually, on Tuesday. The therapist feels that he's getting stronger and he is well on his way to walking correctly soon! Hooray!

Mother's Day 2009

Riding bikes on the driveway
What a big boy!!
This year for Mother's Day we had both of our families as well as our friends Sara & Keith over for a cookout. Things were really low key and relaxed. The weather was really nice so the kids played outside most of the time. It was a nice day of just being together.
There are some days that I love having the role of a mother and other days that I want to scream because of it. Today was a day that made me feel so grateful that the boys are mine.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Baby Ryan

Ryan Keith
Our good friends Sara and Keith welcomed Ryan Keith into the world on Sunday, May 3rd. He was 7lbs, 7oz, and totally adorable. Although he made an early and fast entrance, he was just as sweet as can be. We're looking forward to spending lots of time with them this summer. I can't wait until the boys get to meet him!

New toy!

Giving the tractor a bath


This weekend we went out and got a sand and water table. We got a good deal on it, only $60 and although I think the boys will love it, it might be my nightmare. They ended up getting sand all over the place...I guess that's something that I'll have to get used to. Hopefully this will bring lots of fun this summer!

Buddy and Luke

Petting Buddy
Getting kisses from the dog

Luke is in a "I love the dog" mode lately. He's really interested in what Buddy is doing, why he's barking, and what he does when he goes outside. He is pretty good with being gentle with him and he loves when he can give him food at the table :( Buddy has always been great with the boys, we're so lucky!

Playing with Chase

Hanging out in our fort
Hiding in his fort

Playing "hockey" in the kitchen
We've been enjoying Chase's imagination lately. We've built a fort a few times and Blake has to be the wolf and Chase and I hide in the fort. Of course we have to go looking for "the wolf" and run back to hide so the wolf doesn't get us. The fort typically goes crashing down and we rebuild and start again.
Another thing that Chase has been doing is playing hockey in our kitchen. He wears his skates (his socks), his helmet, his pads, and carries around his sticks (my wooden spoons). He just loves sliding around the kitchen pretending that he is playing hockey on ice. I'm hoping he outgrows this phase soon, I only have 2 wooden spoons left, all the others have broken!

My Little Helper


Sneaking into the dishwasher

Helping me put the dishes away!

Luke has become extremely interested in all of the cleaning that goes on around the house lately. He absolutely loves the dishwasher, I can't open it unless I'm ready for everything to be out on the floor or for him to be in the dishwasher. That reminds me of someone else that I know...

Chase at 10 months...loving the dishwasher!